BEDONT® is pleased to announce that we are now PEFC® certified, and now comply with the highest social
and environmental standards on the market.
PEFC, the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, is a leading global alliance of national
forest certification systems. As an international non-profit, non-governmental organization, it is dedicated
to promoting sustainable forest management through independent third-party certification.
The best way to keep our forests is to use them, but we must use them sustainably. If there is one thing you
can do, it is to buy PEFC-certified products. This might sound strange but choosing forest-based materials
means using trees in order to make these products. We need to use our forests. If we don’t, the land will be
used for other purposes, such as cattle ranches or soy plantations. Buying forest products gives the forest
value, it creates demand, and provides a financial incentive to keep a forest a forest.